
Eleanor Grosch Flats

Ahhh, for the love of shoes! I haven't thought about Keds since high school but as I was wandering around Macy's I saw a few really cool flats from Eleanor Grosch. I love em and for only $30, it is very affordable! The only thing I need to decide is which one I should get!


See Kai Run

Ok, I must say something. Ii's been a while since I last blogged and I want to talk about these wonderful pair of shoes we got for Josh. It's a brand called See Kai Run based of Seattle - but I bought it at Pippen Hill - a rockin' baby store in Alameda. Not only are these so stylish, the soles are oh so soft, perfect for babies feet! The problem most infant shoes have is that they're either ugly (Robeez) or hard to put in (Stride rite)..but these...these are faahhbulous!!